
In a previous blog, I talked about how Buzzwords, I talked about the importance of receiver to ask for clarification. Not to place the onus squarely on the shoulders of the receiver, this advice will pertain to the sender of the information. Someone in a role as a Project Manager has to be particularly sure his […]

Scope Verification vs Quality Control

Quality Control is concerned with the accuracy of the result. Scope Verification is concerned with the acceptance of the results.   Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? At this point- when the project deliverables are sitting in front of you, with the bulk of the project behind you, it wouldn’t be. Variable depending on how stringent you […]

Time Estimation: A Crash Course

Time estimates can be challenging at best. There are different ways to approach estimates to ensure that it provides enough time to take care of the scope, but also deal with any potential risks. One way that the PMI has suggested is PERT. PERT stands for Program Evaluation and Review Technique. It involves getting three distinct […]

Technical vs. Non-Technical PM

Software companies often use project managers heavily to manage the client destined offerings. The expectation of the PM is to not only manage the business aspects of the project (timeline, budget and scope), but also have a perfect understanding of the technical aspects of it- but how technical do you really want your PM to […]

The Passover Story: Modernized and Abridged

A little late for passover, which ended last week, but here is the story of Passover modernized and abridged that I wrote in 2009. Please note- there is some salty language included, but it’s consistent with the theme and tone of the story.   Long long long long long long ago- the Egyptians had Sweat […]


The other day I was in a conversation with someone and referred to a difference between Project Management and Functional Management. She had a tell that lead me to ask if she knew the difference. She admitted she didn’t, and I explained it.   There is hazard in using words with which people may be […]