Reasons why your team has trouble adopting Agile

Moving a team to Agile can have benefits- if your organization has committed to moving their methodology to an Agile based (Scrum, Kanban, XP, FDD, Crystal, Lean) and things aren’t going smoothly there can be any number of reasons that account for this. Culture: Agile requires an organization that is flat, relies on accountability and […]

Short Story for Halloween

Many of you know I have a dog I’m totally infatuated with- and we seem to be perfectly paired. Here’s something I don’t tell people about me and my dog. Something that I’ve never told anyone before. I live on the border of a huge ravine that goes for a few miles and connects to […]

2016 – Another update on my life

It’s been a year a half since my last update, and I wanted to catch everyone up. I’ve moved again- this time probably for good. Last year I bought a condo in midtown Toronto near St.Clair and Yonge. It’s a nice place- it’s a great neighborhood. After hustling for Telax for close to two years […]

The Models of Resourcing for High Skill Environments

The relationship between resourcing and operation in high skill environments (i.e: Software, engineering, accountants, consultants, etc…) is a topic that keeps project managers up late at night. Different models of resourcing come inherent with levels of risk associated with them, as there’s a general inverse relationship between control and risk.  In fact, the relation of […]

Encouraging Creativity in your team

When you’re running a intellectual based production service (read: consultancy, software development, design, accountancy, etc…) the tug of war between getting it done quickly and finding a creative solution out can sometimes lead to fast, but shoddy solutions. When people are scrambling to meet a milestone, the grind can mean the inspired solutions just are […]

Social Media Diet

At one point, I was on a Social Media binge. I defended it as part of my job (which probably wasn’t that far from the truth), but I was in social media sites that had absolutely nothing to do with my job. Foursquare, I would vie for mayorship of places- stores, restaurants, my gym, etc… […]

So… people actually read this blog

An interesting thing happened to me today on a conference call. I was in a weekly update call with one of my favorite clients at one of my favorite client companies on one of my favorite projects waiting for others to join to get it kicked off, and he mentioned that he read my blog […]

Running Myself Crazy

This has been an especially brutal winter. Polar Vortexes, and frigid winds that chill me to the bone have accomplished what no winter before has been able to do. It has forced me to run inside on the dreaded treadmill. That’s right- the dreadmill. How do some people do it? I haven’t run outside in […]

What I think of Rob Ford

This post will discuss the length of my opinion on municipal politics, and pretty much my opinion of it as well. It’s not centralized to Rob Ford. It’s all municipal politicians who deserve each other. Being a Torontonian, and having voted in the last municipal election where Rob Ford was on the ballot for mayor. […]